Frequently Asked Questions
When can I register my child for Kindergarten?
Kindergarten registration usually occurs the third week of March for the upcoming school year. Contact your child’s new school site for the exact date.
What documents are required to register my child in kindergarten?
Birth certificate, proof of residency (example: PG&E bill), proof of immunizations, proof of school physical and dental exam after March 1 of current year and court custody papers and/or restraining orders (if applicable).
What are the California Public School Immunization requirements?
There are specific requirements for students entering Kindergarten and 7th grade. Click HERE to view the requirements.
I just got a letter form the school about absences. Why did I get this letter?
The district has developed school attendance guidelines. Within these guidelines, computers are set to sent letters for the following:
- First letters are sent for three unexcused absences, three tardies of 30 minutes or more, five excused absences or ten tardies of less than 30 minutes.
- Second letters are sent for four unexcused absences, four tardies of 30 minutes or more, ten excused absences or ten tardies of less than 30 minutes.
- Third letters are sent for five unexcused absences, five tardies of 30 minutes or more, fifteen excused absences or fifteen tardies of less than 30 minutes.
What is an excused absence?
The most common excused absences are illness, medical appointments, and bereavement of a family member. Certain, less common, excused absences are religious observation or court appearance, when requested by the parent in writing.
What is independent study?
You may request independent study if you child will be out for 5 to 10 consecutive school days. You must prearrange independent study with your child’s school at least 2 weeks prior to the absence. Independent studies are allowed at the discretion of the school principal.