Section 504
Section 504 is an Act which prohibits discrimination against persons with a disability in any program receiving federal financial assistance. The Act defines a person with a disability as anyone who:
- Has mental or physical impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities.
- Has a record of such an impairment; or;
- Is regarded as having such impairment.
Evaluation Process
The 504 team will evaluate the nature of the student’s suspected disability.
- This may include a review of educational records and/or medical records; or if a child is suspected as having a disability under IDEA a full psycho-educational evaluation may be warranted.
- The evaluation must be sufficient to accurately and completely assess possible eligibility and service options.
- A final decision regarding eligibility will be made by the 504 team, which will consider whether or not the disabling condition substantially limits a major life activity, such as learning, walking, hearing and concentrating.
- The results of the evaluation will be documented.
- If the student is found to be a qualified student with a disability, the District will develop and implement a 504 plan.
What to do if you suspect your child may need a 504 plan
- Contact your school site counselor and/or principal and schedule a Student Study Team (SST) meeting and/or 504 meeting to consider developing a 504 plan.
- Provide the team with any documentation you might have regarding your student’s disability.
Parent Information
This information provides you as parents, legal guardians, and surrogate parents with an overview of Section 504 educational rights and procedural safeguards.