2nd Trimester Student Awards Assemblies

2nd Trimester Student Awards Assemblies
3/14/2023, 1:00 PM 2:00 PM
School cafeteria

Collegeville Families,

Our Second Trimester student recognition awards assemblies will be held on the afternoon of Tuesday, March 14th. In order to provide parents and students with sufficient seating in the cafeteria, we will hold two separate assemblies, one for our TK - 2nd grade classes and another for our 3rd - 5th grade classes. Our teachers will contact the parents of students receiving recognition.

The schedule will be as follows:
1:00 - 1:25 PM TK/K - 2nd Grade Assembly
1:30 - 1:55 PM. 3rd - 5th Grade Assembly

We look forward to celebrating our students' achievements!

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